OMEA Westerville Invitational
Saturday, September 21st, 2024
10:00 a.m. First Performance
Westerville Central High School
Hosted by Westerville South & Westerville Central
Hosted by Westerville South & Westerville Central
High School Marching Bands
High School Marching Bands
The Westerville Invitational is an OMEA adjudicated band contest. We look forward to seeing some great performances and hope you will join us in a celebration of live music making together!
The Westerville Invitational is an OMEA adjudicated band contest. We look forward to seeing some great performances and hope you will join us in a celebration of live music making together!
Adults $10
Seniors & Students (K-12) $5
Children under 6 are Free
Programs: $3
Parking: Free
Cash, credit, and mobile wallet payments accepted for admissions, programs and concessions.
Cash Only for the 50/50 Raffle